Reading 1

Reading 1: Pages 6-17

The foreword tells us why we should read this book.  It tells us that all of the writers in the book are, or were, active visual producers.  This book should teach and inspire me to be a better designer!

Theory is all about “why?”  However, the field is all about “how?” 
Design is a social activity.  It involves clients, feedback, and critiques.

Graphic design is based upon the issues of authorship, universality, and social responsibility. Anonymity has transformed over to authorship.  However, with all of the access and sharing ability of today’s world, the content is often times mistaken for anonymous. The technology and the universal language of graphic design is allowing it to shift gradually across the nations as a whole.

The book is set up in three sections: Creating the Field, Building on Success, and Mapping the Future. 

A timeline of all the designers contributing to the book is shown, including the date their text was published.